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Fixed Header Grid View

I gone through lots of examples for fixed header grid view, and tried few options using div and java scripts. the one i didnot work from the example, is there anything i miss here

Solution 1:

you can use

<HeaderStyleCssClass="gridViewHeader" />

For your sample

<asp:GridViewID="gv"runat="server"CellPadding="4"PageSize="50"RowHeaderColumn="True"AllowPaging="True"BackColor="White"BorderColor="#3366CC"BorderStyle="None"BorderWidth="1px" ><HeaderStyleCssClass="gridViewHeader" /><PagerSettingsMode="NumericFirstLast" /><PagerStyleBackColor="#99CCCC"ForeColor="#003399"HorizontalAlign="Left"VerticalAlign="Middle" /><RowStyleBackColor="White"ForeColor="#003399"BorderStyle="Inset"HorizontalAlign="Center"VerticalAlign="Middle"Wrap="False" /><SelectedRowStyleBackColor="#009999"Font-Bold="True"ForeColor="#CCFF99" /></asp:GridView>

Solution 2:

This CSS will fix your problem:

.GVFixedHeader { font-weight:bold; background-color: Green; position:relative; 

Solution 3:

I just did this very thing. I used this article as a reference.

The trick is to create a table and then place the grid inside a div just under the that table. Set the width of the detail cells the same width as the cells in the gridview. Then make sure the scroll bar stays on and then the grid and the table will line up in the event there are not enough rows to actually need the scrolling function.

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