How To Cancel Large File Download Yet Still Get Page Source In C#?
Solution 1:
There are at least two ways to do what you're asking. The first is to use a range get. That is, specify the range of the file you want to read. You do that by calling AddRange on the HttpWebRequest
. So if you want, say, the first 10 kilobytes of the file, you'd write:
Read carefully what the documentation says about the meaning of that parameter. If it's negative, it specifies the ending point of the range. There are also other overloads of AddRange
that you might be interested in.
Not all servers support range gets, though. If that doesn't work, you'll have to do it another way.
What you can do is call GetResponse
and then start reading data. Once you've read as much data as you want, you can stop reading and close the stream. I've modified your sample slightly to show what I mean.
string url = "";
HttpWebRequest postRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
postRequest.Method = "GET";
postRequest.AllowAutoRedirect = true; //allowRedirect;
postRequest.ServicePoint.Expect100Continue = true;
HttpWebResponse postResponse = (HttpWebResponse) postRequest.GetResponse();
int maxBytes = 1024*1024;
int totalBytesRead = 0;
var buffer = newbyte[maxBytes];
using (var s = postResponse.GetResponseStream())
int bytesRead;
// read up to `maxBytes` bytes from the responsewhile (totalBytesRead < maxBytes && (bytesRead = s.Read(buffer, 0, maxBytes)) != 0)
// Here you can save the bytes read to a persistent buffer,// or write them to a file.
Console.WriteLine("{0:N0} bytes read", bytesRead);
totalBytesRead += bytesRead;
Console.WriteLine("total bytes read = {0:N0}", totalBytesRead);
That said, I ran this sample and it downloaded about 6 kilobytes and stopped. I don't know why you're having trouble with timeouts or too much data.
Note that sometimes trying to close the stream before the entire response is read will cause the program to hang. I'm not sure why that happens at all, and I can't explain why it only happens sometimes. But you can solve it by calling request.Abort
before closing the stream. That is:
using (var s = postResponse.GetResponseStream())
// do stuff here// abort the request before continuing
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