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Is There A Program Or A Framework Which Allows To Build Cross Browser Compatible Html And Css Codes?

I know there are programs like dreamweaver but none of them has significant success when it comes to creating automatic cross browser compatible html and css codes. I was wonderin

Solution 1:

What you want doesn't really exist as many have said. I do try to safe myself most of the hassle you describe by consciously using only things that have proven to be widely supported and with which I have good experiences. The perfect solution doesn't exist but here are a few things to consider that could make your life easier:

  • Use a css reset so all default browser styles are gone.
  • Force yourself to write HTML that validates against a doctype. Personally I use only XHTML 1.1 (which is very strict) but gives high compatibility in most browsers.
  • Use only fonts that are common and widely supported.
  • Limit your use of javascript to the absolutely necessary, and use jQuery where you can, as it will "often iron out differences for you". (suggested by Andrew Barber)

This way you'll end up with web sites that have a very high chance to be cross browser compatible

Solution 2:

There is no reliable, broadly applicable solution to this beyond testing, testing, testing. The issues are so complex that it's essentially impossible to build a tool that could do this for anything close to every possible difference between the browsers.

Incidentally; there is a tool called IETester that you can use to be able to run multiple, previous versions of IE.

EDIT: You (motto) and others have noted issues with IETester. While I have not experienced issues with it myself, that could very well be because I have simply not used it to help me with layouts that use things which happen to be buggy in IETester.

Comments below note that the Developer Toolbar in IE9 permits us to use the IE7/IE8 rendering engines. I would guess this to be a more reliable way to test layouts for those browsers, and I plan to begin using that instead, myself.

I will then likely keep using IETester just for assuring basic usability for IE6.

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