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JQuery Selector For First Row Of Inline-block Divs

I have some divs with display: inline-block; and I have to select first row of divs and set them for example different border color and I need to do it in javaScript (jQuery). Here

Solution 1:

You have to check what elements are in the first row, and mark those. A way to do this would be fiddle

This code makes the assumption that the first element is first in a row (which is always true), and checks which elements have the same offset top, it then applies a borderColor change to them

var top;
$('.container .item').each(function(i){
    var thistop = $(this).offset().top;
    if (i==0){
        top = thistop;
    if (top==thistop){

Note that in a real life application you'd use a event handler on window resize to run this again on window resize.

I made a separate fiddle to do the event handler version. This requires wrapping above code in a function, and changing the functionality a bit to add/remove classes instead of just adding css (since adding and manually removing css get's messy). Fiddle can be found here.

So instead of adding css, it adds/removes a class

markrow = function(){
        $('.container .item').each(function(i){
        if (top==thistop){

With special being a css class that changes the border color

.special {

Solution 2:

You may use vanilla CSS Selector for this in jquery.
Assuming that you have a grid of 3 X 3.

$( ".container .item:nth-child(3n + 1)" ).css( "border-color","black" );

Solution 3:


.special-border {
    border-color: #00f;

Solution 4:

you can get the width of your container which has a css-style named "container" by $(".container").width,

and then you can calculate how many divs can be put in the first row,and put it in a variable like firstrow_divNums.

now use $(".calculate").children() to get the child-divs,

finally use "for" loop from $(".calculate").children().eq(0) to $(".calculate").children().eq(firstrow_divNums) ,

and now you can do what you want like adding css-style to any elements.

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