Replace Divs With Content From JSON Call
Solution 1:
Mind you jQuery templating is still in beta (can be DL here:
Create a jQuery template of this HTML, with the Title/ID/Content etc where they will be appearing ${TITLE}
/etc. Basically like this:
<div class="news_item" style="margin-left: 0 !important;">
<div class="ni_image">
<a href="/HaberDetay/${TITLE}/${ID}"><img src="IMAGE"width="203" height="109"/></a>
<div class="ni_text">
<div class="ni_text_title">${TITLE}</div>
<div class="ni_text_content">
Then just create the template and append it to news.
Here's an intro on Templating if you've never done it before.
Solution 2:
To create new elements you can create them with JS or jQuery. jQuery is easier but has a higher overhead.
// Element to append to
var target = $('.news');
// Create the new element in a jQuery object
// and use the appendTo method to attach it
// to the DOM element
$('<div />').html('<p>New div created</p>')
Alternatively you can find existing dom elements and replace the text or HTML
var target = $('.news');
// Replacing text
target.find('.ni_text_title').text('New news title');
// Replacing HTML
target.find('.ni_text').html('<div class="ni_news_text">...</div>');
You can empty the textual or HTML contents of an element by passing an empty string to the .html
and .text
methods. If you leave them blank the method will return the current text or HTML of that element.
Hope that helps.
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